Benefits of an SEO-Friendly Website Design

June 14, 2022
Benefits of an SEO-Friendly Website Design

People cannot find your brand if you don’t have a smooth and speedy website which implements search engine optimization (SEO best practices). Having an SEO-friendly website is the first step in improving your brand awareness, generating more traffic, and increasing conversion rates. Remember that your website will secure higher positions on search engine result pages (SERPs) once you optimize it properly. As a result, you will have more visitors to your site, which means boosted engagement and increased leads.

But how does SEO interconnect with web design? As you know SEO is the method of optimizing a website so that it has higher rankings on search engines, such as Google. While website design is about creating and designing a website and its pages. Then what is SEO website design?

It is time to understand the concept of SEO web design and what kind of benefits it can bring to your business. Read the blog till the end as we have a small surprise for you. Now, let’s dive in!

What Is SEO Website Design?

The design and development of a website that is optimized for search engines are known as SEO web design. The SEO practices that your website incorporates help search engines, such as Google, improve your position and put your website on higher rankings to drive more traffic. The goals of your SEO and website design are to create the best user experience possible. How?

So, the combination of these two helps people find your products and services quickly and have a great user experience as they visit your website.

Both are necessary for your company’s growth, increased traffic, and conversion rates since web design without SEO will not help people find your business, and SEO without a functioning web design will not entice visitors to stay on your site. As a result, if you want to provide a rich user experience, you’ll require an SEO-friendly site design.

Benefits of SEO-Friendly Website Design

Even though we briefly discussed the advantages of SEO website design above, let’s go over other advantages to understand why It’s important to include SEO web design in your company’s digital marketing strategy.

1. Boosted Traffic

SEO tools and practices will help you generate and improve traffic to your site. Web traffic to your site rises at a continuous and consistent rate as a result of increased search engine rankings. So, you can expect a steady increase in online traffic as well as an increase in revenue when you implement SEO practices in your web design development.

Boosting traffic is difficult in this competitive environment, where many other companies sell similar services and products. With the right tools and SEO practices, you can boost online traffic, which in its turn will improve conversion rates and increase sales.

2. User-Friendly Website

It’s no surprise that SEO provides user-friendliness to your website. SEO improves your website by providing fast loading times, speedy browsing, a simple buying process, and improved performance, among so much more. That means your website design will be more user-friendly and navigable, which will make people return to your website and enjoy the buying process.

A great website design is not only about colors and fonts, but most importantly about a better user experience. And the factors that impact the user experience are:

  • Speed: When people enter your website, they expect it to load fast (less than 3 seconds) which is possible to achieve with SEO.
  • Security: Your website must be secured (HTTPS) and provide the best possible protection for user data.
  • Website structure: No one will be able to stay on your website if it’s not organized. To structure your website, think about topics and subtopics. Using the spoke-hub approach, create categories, tags, and subcategories.
  • Mobile-friendliness: As active mobile internet users in the UAE are 9.26 million people, making your web design mobile-friendly is essential.
Digi-tip: Make your website mobile-friendly by analyzing it, avoiding common mobile optimization mistakes, using a responsive layout, and focusing on website speed optimization.

3. Improved Brand Awareness and Authority

Once you make your website design SEO-friendly, you help people locate your business and when they find your site, you improve your brand awareness. Once you appear on top of the list, people recognize your brand and consider it the best one in the field. This way, Google shows people that your website meets their needs and is relevant for their pain points. When your website appears at the top of the results page, you gain more authority with Internet users.

4. Cost-Effectiveness

Search result listings are both free and simple to get. You do not need to spend money on a good search result ranking, unlike paid advertising and other marketing tactics.

As a result, an SEO-friendly website will continuously attract targeted visitors without the need to spend money on online advertising.

SEO is completely free and may help you increase your sales and profits.

5. Brand Credibility

When your company’s website ranks first, it means you’re advertising things that people want or providing the greatest services to help them live a better life. Higher rankings show that your website’s content and statistics are relevant and useful in resolving client issues which help to raise not only brand recognition but also trust.

And building credibility is crucial to establish loyal relationships with customers and attract new people.

6. Higher Return on Investment (ROI)

Even a little bit of investment in SEO goes a long way and increases sales and business effectiveness through different methods. You can achieve maximum benefits and earnings with little or no effort, resulting in a higher ROI. Because of its low investment needs, SEO is essential for new companies that don’t have enough budget for paid advertising campaigns to raise brand recognition and promote sales.

Once you generate more traffic and convert people into leads, you boost sales, which in its turn boosts ROI. SEO-friendly website design may help you enhance your sales and business by providing measurable results.

Digi-Tip: Use Google Analytics to check the data of your SEO-friendly website, such as how many visitors come to your site, where they come from, and how many online orders and sales you have, to identify which keywords are the most effective.

7. Be Competitive

Every successful company is increasing sales and optimizing its website design to meet search engine needs. As a result, if you want to stay in business and compete with your competitors, you need a website design that is SEO-friendly. You can challenge your competitors with a site that ranks first in search results, while also attracting more visitors and increasing profits for your business.

SEO-Friendly Website Design Guidelines

Now it’s time to visualize some steps on how to make your website design SEO-friendly:

Now you know all the essentials about SEO-friendly web design, its benefits, and guiding principles. Don’t hesitate to contact Digilite if you need a competent and devoted team of specialists to assist you with SEO services, content marketing, or any other digital marketing method.

Finally our promised surprise! If you’re looking for boosted traffic, improved conversion rates, and more sales, get a free website audit today!

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